Multipurpose Solar Dryer Multipurpose solar Dryer or Solar Drying machine is specially design for drying any kind of farm product Agro product or sea food. It can be used for Drying Mushrooms, Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, Leafy Vegetables, Aromatic Flowers, Spices, Sea food Like Fish and Prunes. Any thing can be dried under Perfectly engineered and hygiene environment. It is manufactured from Food Grade Stainless steel material and tray also available food grade. It is made Dust Proof, Rodent proof, Bugs and Insect Proof and Water Proof, It can be available in the Following Capacity 10 kg, 25 kg, 50 kg, 100 kg, 200 kg per day. For more details send us inquiry, Solar Dryer, Solar Box Dryer, Solar Cabinet Dryer, Solar Dryer manufacturer In India, Solar Drying, Solar Dryer manufacturer. Solar Mushroom Dryer, Solar Vegetable dryer, Solar Fruit Dryer Solar Box Dryer Drying Mushrooms Leafy Vegetables Solar Fruit Dryer Multipurpose Solar Solar Cabinet Dryer hygiene environment Solar Mushroom Dryer Solar Drying machine available food grade Solar Vegetable dryer Solar Dryer manufacturer farm product Agro product Food Grade Stainless steel material
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